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Monthly Meetings

We meet the third Wednesday of every month at 7PM.  Fender's Brewing is our home-base, but every other month we will be meeting at a different local brewery. Below is a list of meeting locations for the upcoming months. Everyone is welcome to bring any of their homebrewed creations as well as any food/snacks you want. Beer is not limited to the style of the month, bring anything you want!


The meetings usually consist of the following:

-Announcements and Upcoming Events

-Style of the Quarter Competition

-Guest Speaker or Discussion Topic

-SMaSH Beer Tasting & Discussion

-Hop and/or Malt Tea Tasting Comparison

-Drinking & Having Fun



Upcoming Meeting Locations:

May - Mistress

June - Mistress

July - TBD

Club Membership

The Ankeny Area Brewers Club is an official AHA registered club. This means that we do have a $25 annual membership fee to become a club member. The fee covers any individual or couple/spouse. The money is used to pay for our AHA membership (includes club insurance) and to help put on club brewing events and activities. You do not need to be a paying member in order to come see what our club is all about!


Membership dues are paid once per year in January for all returning members. If you join mid-year, the fee will be prorated per the following breakdowns:


January-July: $25

August-December: $15


Style Competition

Every 3 months we have an informal style competition that anyone can enter their beer(s) in. You do not need to bring a beer in order to taste and vote on your favorite. Depending on the number of entries, the beers will be given out blindly in flights. Once we have either tasted all the beers in that flight or all the beers, there is a simple "Vote for your favorite" poll. The beer with the highest number of votes, wins.


The winner gets the knowledge that they brewed one kick-ass beer and the respect of their fellow brewers and a small gift card to Fender's Brewing.


Every other month the beer style will be a Single Malt and Single Hop (SMaSH) beer. Everyone is welcome to bring a SMaSH beer and will talk about what malt and hop they chose to use in their beer. This is a great way to get to know different malts and hops and how they taste.


Upcoming Styles:

June - SMaSH

September - TBD

Join Ankeny Area Brewers Club

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